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Urban Neighbours of Hope is a ministry operating in Randwick Park in South Auckland. Dave and his team run a variety of social enterprise type organisations to provide hope and a means of employment to people who want to build better lives.
Through lawn mowing and bouncy castles hire they contracting for various jobs for the council they are empowering vulnerable.
Orbit Retreat
date. 2023
Held in Hunua Ranges for influence nationwide
Assistance for the transport and venue costs of hosting the Orbit retreat for 2023.
Orbit is a network of collaborative churches and Christian ministries within the Baptist movement which align because of their shared interest in serving at the edges. If Church as we know it is considered to be the centre, then church on the edge responds to those who are, for one reason or another marginalised, by the usual norms of society and the church. These people would feel uncomfortable, isolated or even ostracised if they walked into mainstream churches . For these people the journey of life has been tough, often with hardship, stigma, rejection, poverty, and shame. Orbit is a collective committed to bringing Christ to the edge in a way that brings genuine acceptance, dignity and sense of belonging, while promising the presence of Christ's fragrance right where they are. Orbit groups are like deeply rooted trees able to support those where their branches reach and touch.
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