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Spreading the loving presence of God in Aotearoa, NZ



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Hangā e te Atua he ngākau hou
Ki roto, ki tēnā, ki tēnā o mātou

Lord develop a new heart in each of us.

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recent projects:

current projects.

The Arjay Trust supports local Christian faith communities in Aotearoa, NZ.  Operating for over 55 years, we have been able to strategically finance churches, ministries and individuals to express the goodness and nearness of God's life sustaining grace to people all around them.

Group Portrait of Friends

about us.





​The Arjay Trust was started by the late Russell Jenkins (RJ) back in the early 1960's. Having been very successful in business, Russ felt that it was both his duty and his privilege to use his wealth to show the love of God to people.  Russ valued people from all walks of life and it is said that he knew the name of every person working on the floor of the engineering factory in Panmure where he worked. He believed that as a Christian, his faith should be readily seen and experienced by those around him. He was held in high regard, both for his wisdom and his management style.  Russ, a very humble man, believed that he was a steward of money and not the owner, which led him to establish the Arjay Trust. In this way, he learnt the joy of philanthropy and passed this legacy on to his only son Brian and to the next generation of the family.   (read more...)



Strategic Philanthropy and the Arjay Trust

​The Arjay Trust is a registered Charity with the NZ Charities Commission.  The trust provides strategic philanthropy for NZ churches, community groups, charities and individuals through targeted giving.  The trust will no longer publish dates for funding rounds or call for general applications. Instead the trust will be proactive and approach organisations and individuals who are undertaking ministries and other charitable work in areas of interest to the trust.  The Areas of Focus for funding are established each year in June. (click here)   Funding initiatives in this way, builds better ongoing relationships between the trust and grant recipients. The point is to share skills, expertise encouragement and support - not just 'funds'.   It is hoped that closer connections will generate greater understanding and commitment to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in Aotearoa NZ.  It also provides better accountability for the effective use of funds.  






  • Support for initiatives that are exploring innovative ways of being the church in local communities.

  • Support for Christian Poets, Artists, Writers, Intercessors​

  • Support to promote reconciliation  between Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti in Churches and Christian contexts.

  • Mercy gifts (as need arises)

Making Contact with the Arjay Trust

Although the trust is being proactive about grant opportunities instead of reactive to applications, we are always open and keen to hear about work that is being undertaken to show kindness from the heart of God, for people in Aotearoa, NZ.   You are welcome to contact Irene and let us know of the great work you are doing.


Irene Judge


Arjay Trust Director

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about Arjay:
Areas of Focus 2020/21:



The current trustees of the Arjay Trust are :

Dr Julian Jenkins 

Mrs Irene Judge-Jenkins

​Mr Adrian Jenkins


​If you wish to know more about the charitable work of the Arjay Trust

    Thanks for submitting!

    contact Arjay:

    contact us.

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